Monday, July 21, 2014

Given the Third Degree

" Given the Third Degree "

by Suzán Jiván
Mom & Mom-
Mom Suzán

Given the Third Degree
despite brevity and antiquity
ever since the beginning
while shrinking to infinity
with long-term difficulties

purported to be false
after going for coffee
crawling on all fours
as cranes hoist
mournful thoughts
into thin air

like illegal treks
into matchbox assemblages
often questioning truth-telling
by evoking the dead
under extreme pressure

poignant double portraits
too seldomly offered
hermetically formed
incessantly seeking restoring
as sequels of sorts sequin adorned

for no one in particular
spirited like dripping wisps
envisioned cracked and chipped
in horrific ectoplasmic limbo...

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