Saturday, April 20, 2013

Raising Crises to New Heights

" Raising Crises to New Heights "

by Suzán Jiván,
Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán

Raising crises to new heights
like primary paradigms
of long goodbyes
traced to be widely hybridized
radical ideas

flipping, twisting
rotating and detaching
too gruesome to display
as confirmation
of a decentralized bank

overtaken by cascades
of incoming information
at a rapid pace
by quasi former heads of state
while on their breaks

going to great lengths
to overtake condemnation
of the days tangled takes
from a quaking home stake
of miscalculations

in a five-block radius
frozen in anticipation
of further deregulation
as calculated inundations
from friends and neighbors
analysts and agents
with arcane names

largely escaping
through engraved entryways
of cheerless transformation
by the highly educated's
vast lack of imagination

met by the chief complaints
of the ultra-safe startling arrays
in northern constellations
as anonymous yellow stars

half again as large as the odds
of cosmological demolishment
by astronomers tearing at the hearts
of the bygone allies of the arts

like collaged shrinking foreign policies
favoring roles and shapes
pre-packaged and pre-arranged
as somewhat ornate lightweight
angular waists of curvaceously
exaggerated enablements

debuted as paintings
defined by waves
at close range
of irreplaceable
tissue paper

seen as the basis of conté crayons
giving way to accurately conveyed
new angles like long and languid
punctuation in promising placements
quarantined by gray plights of state

like imperfect accommodations
of slightly archaic subjects rotating
in collaboration with botanical
exactitude pared down in recapped
enchanted crosshatchings

raising savvy capital
as sensuality in tiny dabs
painted to last in comparison
with captured anatomy
bent backwards to snatch
endangered bottomlands
from mixed woodlands

like pitcher plants
and yellow flag
bearing bladders
with small bracts
in time capsules
as scraps sent packing
in fragments

believed to have mattered
in comparison
with appearances cogently handled
after failing to find traction

pragmatically unannounced
incalculably diplomatic
changes of tactical magnitude
distractingly invalid
at the maximum right flank

tenaciously crashing
up against brashly
outlasted shortened chapters
as tactical analyses
willfully and unpredictably

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