Friday, June 14, 2013

Alasly Pinball Mad

" Alasly Pinball Mad "

by Suzán Jiván
Mom & Mom-
Mom Suzán

In the days of leading up
to never recovering
convincingly procedurally
as partly ticking bombs
under moving targets

whirl lap and roll
holed up playing roles
of rope-a-dope lingoes
going to the gallows

braving reverie
craving accumulations
of pinball stations
once enslaved
widely associated
with evil plantations
for the nostalgically
in breakaway states
of bars and cafés

becoming undone
by ruby-slippered
flippers of defunct
like chronologies
of tchotchkes

as seen in Eden
on battlefields
missing in action
emptied of people
out of step with history
debuting in a showpiece

almost exactly
as market spun bad luck
after changing names
across the embattled
backers of tattered flags

reading spot-on magazines
while fleeing in shirt sleeves
scything over wheat
basically and indistinguishingly
cheery while fetishistically
resembling distraught doilies

hoarding hangings from ceilings
as apocalyptically stitched
free-form embroidery
sheathed with sequins
and cheap beads

in linear treatments
slinking funkily and kinkily
adding and tweaking
imaginative leaps
into mysterious
vats of vivacity

complicated pictorially
as topographical maps
of vacuous caverns overpacked
with multifarious longhand

punctuated by pencil shavings
like pugnacious miscalculations
of myth-saturated gray snakes
of twisty sophistication

wriggling with instances of shed skin
simultaneously writhing
in the final minutes
of sinking scrimshawed whaling ships
as knickknacks and bric-a-brac
in the sewing baskets
of tyrannical sea captains
are lavishly lashed to the mast

flagged in handwritten thickets
of psychic splits encrypted
with cross-stitched
tripped-up hindrances
like channel-flipped
kitschy rituals
riveted by gadgets
still flapping
as champion damsels
of the alasly pinball mad...

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